I'm proud to be a book publicist. I flatter myself that I come up with creative, attention-getting book publicity campaigns. I'm eager to execute my ideas and watch book promotion campaigns take off.
Promotion is whatI do for a living, and I've always been very pleased about that.
Yesterday, some jerks spoiled it for me. Here's the story, in case you missed it. In planting devices that looked a lot like bombs throughout Boston, Massachusetts, these marketers terrorized everyone in, and around, the Boston area (and beyond); caused a highway to be shut down and a hospital to be partially evacuated; cost the state hundreds of thousands of dollars; and created panic in the streets, in office buildings, and in the subway system.
The judgment of these marketing gurus was in the toilet. As far as I'm concerned, the only message they've spread clear and strong is that they belong in jail, and if they ever get out, all the rest of their lives should be devoted to making up for the harm they caused.
Today, I am ashamed to belong to the same profession that these marketers belong to. But something good may come from this experience. Perhaps it will serve as a reminder to all promoters as a reminder that, no matter what you're publicizing, the key to success is to always put integrity, common decency, and empathy first. Treat the Golden Rule as though your business -- and your freedom -- depend on it.
As we'll see (I fervently hope and expect), those promoters who lose sight of what's important lose their businesses and their freedom faster than you can say, "I'm not watching that cartoon -- ever."