The Canton, Ohio Repository published a must-read article on Monday, December 26, 2005 called ""Publishing Looked to Internet as New Frontier in 2005." It points out that we'll soon be reading books via cell phones, buying books online one page at a time, and using blogs to promote books.
Book publicists: take note. The world of book publishing is changing.
But, in these days when a book promotion campaign might include opt-in emails and videopodcasts, it's nice to know there's one constant: Oprah Winfrey. Oprah, the queen of the televised book club, can still turn any writer into an overnight sensation. So, for every novelist and self-help author on the planet, an appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show will continue to be the holy grail no matter what else changes in the world.
The publishing industry may change and grow amid hype and lawsuits, but it's good to know that some things will remain unchanged. Thank you, Oprah, for giving us something to count on in the new year.
Technorati Tags: book promotion, book publicity